+ What does Ketamine treat?

Ketamine is highly effective in the treatment of a wide range of psychological and phsyical conditions:

  • Depression
  • Bipolar Depression
  • Severe Anxiety
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
  • Neuropathic Pain Syndromes
  • Acute Pain
  • Severe Asthma
  • Addiction

+ What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a “dissociative anesthetic” first synthesized in 1962, and then used in Vietnam to treat injured soldiers. In the past two decades, it has become a sedation agent of choice in kids having painful procedures performed in the emergency department due to its unique safety profile and effectiveness.

+ How does it work?

Ketamine has been shown to stimulate neuron growth in the brain in as quickly as one hour. Many scientists studying Ketamine are focusing on the neurotransmitter glutamate, which plays a key role in neural activation. Ketamine has also been found to be a strong anti-inflammatory, which is also being studied for its positive effects. Patients also report that the disassociate state experienced during treatments can bring about personal insights, emotional perspective, and a sense of calmness or "serenity."

+ What does an infusion feel like?

Each patient has a slightly different experience with ketamine and even the same patient may experience different feelings during two separate infusions. This is all very normal. There is no singular experience we are seeking in order to have a good effect. Some patients may dwell on people or events from their past, some see colors, some describe interesting feelings in their bodies like tingling or increased size of arms or legs. Visit the "What to Expect" page to learn more.

+ How is Ketamine administered?

Intravenous (IV) infusion is by far the most common method of administration. The ketamine travels from the IV directly into your bloodstream, making it the most effective and measured approach.

Other Methods:

  • Internasal
  • Sublingual
  • IM
  • Orally
  • Rectally

+ Is Ketamine safe?

The World Health Organization lists ketamine as an "essential medicine," and among the safest and most efficacious ones known to science. Unlike all other general anesthetics ketamine will not cause a patient to stop breathing by suppressing the respiratory reflex. For sedation of both children and adults, ketamine is perhaps the most widely used agent in the world.

+ How long before I see results?

Patients report a shift in depressive symptoms within 1-24 hours of the treatment.

+ What is the usual treatment schedule?

It is recommended that patients undergo 6 infusions over a two-week period in order to maximize the beneficial effects of the drug. It is not recommended to vary from this treatment protocol but we can make some adjustments to fit your personal schedule. After the initial series of infusions further “booster” treatments are determined on a case-by-case basis but are usually needed anywhere from every 2 weeks to 3 months.

+ Will this interfere with other medications?

The majority of medications have no interaction with Ketamine, allowing patients to receive an infusion without interfering with other on-going treatments. There are however a few drugs, both legal and illicit, that can reduce effectiveness. Make sure you inform us of all current medications so that we can account for these possible interactions.

+ What are the next steps?

Call 864-438-1300 to schedule your consultation. For more on the infusion process visit our "What to Expect" page.

+ I have other questions!

Speak with us now to learn more and schedule a consultation! 864-438-1300.